Sunday, November 15, 2009

FCP, Mexico

Scott and Jordan were keeping their eyes open and they're backs to the wall.

We arrived in Fellipe Carrillo Puerto at approx.2:30, way ahead of schedule. The ride was roughly 100 kms and we are making great time, due to no mechanically failures or physical mishaps and great spirits.
The high lite of the evening was buying a round for a whole bar. FCP isn't renowned for it's multitude of bars, the one we found was inhabited by locals of what appeared to be every age, gender and as we're still debating, sexual preference. At a little over a buck a beer, it was worth the entertainment value.
Dinner was at the little taquiria next to the hotel, where they served the traditional Mexican fare of tacos.all Kerry, Barry, Greg and Roger got a little braver and ventured out on to the street for some off the cart creation which was even better. It consisted of cheese, ham, pork and onions wrapped up in a soft tortilla shell.
Another early night as all were tired from the ride.


  1. Enjoy the swim in the freshwater lagoon! The water looks great after a hard day biking...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey, where is Rick? did you loose him or waiting for him or is ahead of you? HA HA HA. Looks like you are having a fun time. You all deserve a nice relaxing time in Belize. Enjoy the rest of your travel.

  4. are you guys naked in the lagoon picture?? just fishy fishy

  5. Rick has been so far ahead of us he was accross the lagoon when the picture was taken.
